Date: 2024-04-03
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM UTC
Location: Zoom Call
- Sid Shah (Areta)
- Paul Imseih (Daimon Legal)
1. RFP Work and Treasury Management Questions
- Discussion: The ADPC had to pause a significant portion of their work on the RFP due to getting caught up with treasury management questions and discussions. This has delayed other tasks by at least a week.
- Resolved: N/A
2. Task Assignment and Follow-up
- Discussion: The ADPC assigned tasks to its members and discussed the need for follow-up on various items.
- Resolved:
- Paul to review the 'Procurement Framework for Treasury Management: Legal Requirements' document shared with the Arbitrum Foundation and update the AF on the ADPC's role or lack thereof in that process.
- Schedule another call to discuss answers to the Subsidy Fund proposal.
- Discuss the requirements gathering process for the service provider RFP with Joseph.
3. Updates Post-Call
- Discussion: N/A
- Resolved: N/A
- Resolved: The meeting was adjourned after all items were addressed and tasks were assigned.